Simple day
Monday, August 5, 2013

i gues reality isn't that bad? but of course, nothing beats that short period overseas where everything feels like a dream. really love to travel but you can't do anything without time and money.

had driving L9 this morning. thank goodness i chose the later timing and the storm has pretty much cleared up by then. driving once through a huge downpour last week is enough...i don't need a second time.
*prays to the weather god*

went over to the boy's crib to laze our afternoon away. tried out the weighing scale that measures your percentage fats and bone mass. seems like i'm about 43.5kg now. amazingly, i lost weight after eating so much over the past week. and with roughly 20.6% of fats which means 1/5 of me is made up of fats. lol. forgot about my bone mass. but really, have no idea how accurate it is.

one last week before school reopens.

probably clubbing this wednesday night with the girls and sentosa outing on thursday.
please be a success. let me enjoy my last week before i bury myself in school again.


@ 7:33 PM
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