Farewell 2013
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

shall quickly sum up events from past two days before 2013 ends and start on 2014 fresh. :)

parents brought me to Spa D'or for a facial session while they had their spa session. would love to bring my family and the boy for such pampering once in a month when i have the ability to do so. life is too short to not enjoy yourself once in a while.

met up with t3m (short form for the three musketeers) for Police Story 2013 movie yesterday evening.

not that bad but not really good either. most scenes are just talking scene. fight scenes way too little this time round. and the mastermind behind the whole thing is way too kind to be some kidnapper. not really exciting i would say.

not sure if you guys heard of the New Police Story (2004) instead. really love the film last time when i was young. that was way more interesting than the 2013 version.

had xlb afterwards. considered treat from yl using his vouchers. prata at khatib afterwards and pretty much conclude the day.

last day of 2013 and we have literally no plans at all.
seems like t3m gonna be coming over for mj session later at noon. maybe decide on a place for dinner and that's all for 2013.

not gonna do any reflection for 2013 for now. or maybe i wont since i can't really think of anything.

till then.

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@ 10:47 AM
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