Gain City @ Westgate
Monday, December 23, 2013

Just worked for Gain City at Westgate for the past two days. flyer/balloon distributor. easy job for $7/h pay. there were only three of us for this job so we were called the balloon girls. everyone i've met at the mall were really friendly - gaincity people, the security guards, other teenagers giving out flyers from other stores, everyone on the street were so nice. :)

now that i've tried distributing flyers, came to realise that anyone who helps to take every piece of flyer actually does make the person giving it out a tiny weeny happier. it doesn't matter if you're gonna throw it away afterwards. even though my job was hourly and not by quantity but every time someone accepts a flyer it just makes my load a lil lighter, hand a lil less sore and smile a lil brighter. so i've decided that one of my 2014 new year resolution would be - take flyers from whoever is giving it to me. lol. sounds a lil meaningless but i guess it does make a small difference to the person giving it out.

slept like a log till 11 this morning. met the boy afterwards for a trip down to Plaza Sing. we've been there for like the third time in less than a month. main purpose was to get my mom's daiso stuff and his 10 presents for relatives. headache. thank goodness we managed to decide on 9 of it. two of the presents were sooo cute! it's an elephant and a giraffe. too bad i didn't take a picture of it. 

back home now. dinner time. 


@ 7:52 PM
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