One packed december
Friday, December 20, 2013

this must be one of the most eventful holidays? 
been busy almost everyday since the start. im not complaining, more than happy in fact. busy spending time with the people that matters while enjoying life. what more can i ask for?

applied for an impromptu balloon/flyer job for this coming saturday and sunday at Westgate. dragged zhao along since she's like the most free and jobless soul currently. so if you're bored, come and visit us at Gain City showroom at Westgate and get some balloons maybe? ^^

met up with the three musketeers for movie afterwards. i shall just call them that from now onwards. lol.

caught Firestorm. i know main leads usually don't die in movies, but seriously this one was too exaggerated. explosion right in his face, jumping down from at least four storey, accidentally fell down from a freaking tall building, idk what else there is but HE NEVER DIES. he doesn't even limp. wtf is this. superhuman?
the action part was decent i supposed. just the plot a lil too dramatic.

anyway, caught Hobbit online previously. makes me wanna watch the whole series of LOTR. shall wait for my beloved HDmovies supplier~

mj with them afterwards. must 历史 always 重演?lol. if there was ever a pool of winner's fund, i must have contributed 80% of it.

accompanied the boy for his stuff in the morning.
dim sum lunch afterwards at The Cathay. impromptu meal again but surprisingly delicious. and we have decided if we ever gonna order prawns, order the fried one instead of the crystal clear skin. fried food are always tastier. actually, unhealthy food are alwaaays tasty.

working 11-9pm tomorrow and sunday. some income to last me till the end of december hopefully? though i'm pretty sure it will be gone after two outings. T.T

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@ 11:34 PM
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