Busy Saturday
Sunday, January 19, 2014

quick post before i doze off.

met up with the boy early in the morning. went over to bugis for lunch @ Astons. finally got to use our x'mas gift. lol. shopping trip afterwards. seriously don't buy stuff on blogshops especially tops. bugis sells the exact same thing at $10. that's pretty much half the price you'll find online.

bag strap broke halfway and became an opiang suitcase for businessman. poor bag you have served me well for the past two years or more. shall see if can sew it up again. 

finally found my camisole at Uniqlo with the specific design that i wanted. yay. bought a bustier top and a mini bag for cny. 

met up with the guys afterwards and went over to Holland Village.
too early so had our tea break at d' Good Cafe. interesting design. decent coffee. amazingly we managed to chat for 3hours there. sw came over to join for dinner.

dinner at Everything With Fries. sadly the burger there really isn't good. the patty is fucking tough, hard and dry. did the standard drop or is it that branch issue? more chatting session.

explains why i'm gonna roll on my bed now. been out since 10plus in the morning.

anyway, our hk trip is confirmed now. yay one more trip to look forward to after Korea! ^^

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@ 1:00 AM
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