Happy 21st Shi Mei!
Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy 21st to Shi Mei! though it's a little early but still, congrats for being the first to turn 21. :)
wanted to give her a surprise party with the help of the girls & her dearest clique but as always, reality differs greatly from expectation. lol. things never seem to go the right way when it comes to surprises.

so our 'surprise' was blown right in our face when sm suddenly returned home right when we started setting up the decorations. joke of the day. at least she was kinda shocked so consider it as a mini-surprise?

self-catering services provided by us. looks decent right? ordered another two pizzas. a little overestimated but it was satisfying. 

we even made damn cute toadstool hairpins for everyone. masterpiece. muahahaha.
ape's book was damn good too. we really can go do some birthday party decoration/cards/props services.

took lots&lots of group shots which most of them gonna be ridiculously funny. waiting for lt to upload them before any updates here. ^^

went back to prepare for reunion dinner afterwards. this must be one of the earliest reunion dinner. and you know what my father said? he bought 12packets worth of laoyusheng ingredients. which means i'm gonna lao like 12times of yusheng this coming cny. had one today so there's like...11 more to go?! omfg. yusheng will be the last thing i will wanna see for another few cny to come.

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@ 12:17 AM
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