Holland Village
Thursday, January 23, 2014

impromptu dinner last night over at Holland Village. original plan was to hunt for some waffles.
before that we settled on Breko for our main course.
sausage pasta and honey bbq ribs. there wasn't much crowd on a weekday night so we can chat all we want there. next time if you're going over to Holland Village, Breko is a rather good choice too. :)

the serving at Breko was rather huge. really too full to stuff any waffle down.
went for Haagen Dazs icecream afterwards. that was my first taste of Haagen Dazs, like seriously. lol. the cookies&cream was normal but the chocolate one was really good. no wonder it's so freaking ex.

Holland Village is a rather good hangout spot. with all the cafes and bars around.

skipped school for today since my bed wouldn't let me go. now i've stacked up 6hours worth of lecture to watch. finally managed to clear 4hours of it. another 2hours more to go.

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@ 8:02 PM
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