The Internship
Friday, January 3, 2014

for the first time in the whole of this holiday did i ever stayed at home consecutively for more than a day.
no wonder life felt so eventful. coping at home is so meaningless. feels like as though i'm wasting my life.
guess i'm someone who can't stand coped up at home. just get me out even if it's cwp im happy too.

so to kill some boredom, been watching the list of movies the boy got for me.

The Internship. this was a pretty awesome movie. hilarious, kinda meaningful and they really portrayed Google to be a freaking fun place to work in. watch it if you haven't. :)

im still halfway through Lord of The Ring series. omg it's 3+hours that's like worst than King Kong. my attention span is too short to last through it.

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@ 12:10 PM
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