Sunday, February 9, 2014

im sure cafe-hoppers would have heard of this place located at Arab Street.

initially we didn't notice the place since the sign above wrote 'chemistry' so we practically walked passed it.
turns out artistry is right below the sign. google map is probably one of the best app ever or whatever gps app there is.

tried out their waffles, latte and cappuccino.
their waffle doesn't taste like the normal waffle you'll find out there. the batter tasted more like bread instead. though crispy on the outside, i feel like i'm eating a crispy bread rather than a piece of waffle. the vanilla ice-cream was milkier than usual. overall, unique creation but i still prefer the 'usual' waffle out there.

went semb 财神庙 to 拜太岁beforehand since Rooster clashes this year. the whole routine took so much longer than expected. ended up late for our meetup. lol.

shopped around town after artistry. there's really too little shop catered to guys sadly. no loots for the day, only a bloated tummy.

dinner back home. love love love soup. ^^

and tmr's the start of another week again. gaaah.

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@ 10:55 PM
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