Last day
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

caught X-MEN last night. soooo awesome! 
definitely one of the better plot imo. even though not much fighting scenes but still able to capture our attention for the whole two hours. the plot is really interesting. this is a stand alone film not really related to the previous ones. 

tmr's the last day for my flyer job. will be at cwp 11am-3pm. nah, i think i will finish by 1pm hopefully and just nua till it's time to meet the rest and discuss our korea trip! wohooo. no more jobs from then on. shall just enjoy the remaining days before flying off.

and because i have been complaining so much to the boy that my lappy's graphic card is spoilt and i can't play my games without seeing rainbow lines all over my screen. the boy lent me his bro's ex-lappy which now became his lappy. now i can play my games while i send my lappy for repair this fri. yay.

and the boy reformatted and pre-installed everything beforehand that is required so i wouldn't have to download it with my snail speed internet. even if it means having to look for every single software since his bro's ex-lappy had to be reformatted using external means.

these are the little things that makes me really happy. :)

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@ 11:16 PM
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