IO Week 9
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

haha sorry for the delay. keep forgetting to update this space for your weekly dose of me & my mundane life. my happy cup that has been with me since hall days.

had an early farewell lunch over at NEX last thu. wanted to pack some gifts for my colleagues but couldn't decide on what to get for them. so i ended up buying various sour plums and dried fruits. my parents was like shock and say later my boss think i'm trying to imply that he is 尖酸刻薄. LOLOL.
nope. that wasn't intended at all hahaha.

BUT I GOT SCAM BY ZIPLOCK. who would have thought that the ziplock bag will have such ridiculous prints on it. shouldn't all ziplock bags be plain?! omg, it looks so freaking ugly i couldn't stand it.

 thankfully the boy helped to buy plain ones from SKP@Marsiling. wouldn't make it in time after work since it closes at 7pm.

so this was the final product. not impressive at all HAHA. it's the thought that counts right?

celebrated my father's birthday last tues as well. Happy 50th! same as sg lol. yeah my father is actually pretty young. my parents are 姐弟恋. haha. pretty rare during those times i guess.

met up with cy for dinner at Hot Tomato for some catching up session. 

anyway, i just want to mention that J&J BBQ potato chips are damnnnn niceeee. 

oh and this was the brow crayon cum brush that i bought previously. Maybelline Brow Duo Shaper. it's pretty good imo.

gotten our household NDP bag for SG50. my mom went to collect it and by the time we came home, she has already emptied the contents inside and kept the bag in the "Recycle Bag" compartment. lol. she was completely convinced that it is a 买菜环保袋. 

other than my weekly dose of The Return of Superman. randomly started watching 非诚勿扰.

shall end off with a dog snoring away. now he is giving me that puppy look so that i will feed him some honeydew. am i living with a pig or a dog?

anyway. 3 more days to go! WEEE.

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@ 8:51 PM
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