Merry X'mas!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hohoho! Merry X'mas everyone! are you guys having fun? 
this was one tad eventful x'mas for me. 

had pre-xmas celebration + mj session + gift exchange over at yoshi's place. he volunteered to be the organiser for this year while i was the last. lets see who's the next brave soul.

had a cooled meat feast for dinner that i hope my stomach was able to take it. seems fine since till now i've yet to LS. lol. *touchwood*

gift exchange afterwards. haha. requested for $20 worth of Astons voucher. tons of weird stuff like $20 worth of seaweed, $20 worth of 1.5litres of water, white curtains, etc. lol. interesting way of exchange since most of the time it's by lucky draw or you get to choose what to buy for the other party. but in this case, we get to request for what we want and our secret santa must get it. just that it may end up a lil different from what was expected. lol.

tv shows marathon after some left and the rest dying on the couch. tank till 5plus and went for mac breakfast. army chat till 7plus before heading back home.

barely slept for 3hours and had to prepare for our relatives gathering. my sis even woke up at 7 to blow balloons and decorate the house. i'm so amazed. my mom's perfectionist nature can fight with kh's requirement. reused the cloth and stuff from last year x'mas. lol. turns out pretty useful.

dressed up maomao in his new clothes - a bumbledog. and he's freaking cuteeeeeee. cant stand it.

mj session with the adults. meat feast again. and gift exchange afterwards. this time it was random. got a reebok toiletries bag that looks really cool. shall bring it over to phuket.

and of course, our usual group shot. love the last pic. everyone's happy and look at maomao smiling like an idiot. love it. 

and that pretty much summarises my 2013 Christmas. 

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@ 8:15 PM
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