Lovely holidays
Sunday, January 12, 2014

last few outings before school reopens.

pizzahut dinner with the boy. managed to stuff down 4slices of pizza, my 鸟胃 surprisingly expanded at that moment. yummy dessert but we were really too full to savor it.

attended cousin's wedding yesterday at Swisshotel. the old place that we once worked in during jc. so much memories lol. can never forget spilling the four cups of beer on the poor guy on my first day of work. thank goodness he was a guy. and a kind one.

Seems like school's about to start very soon, which is tomorrow.
i've no regrets now after spending such a fruitful december all packed with my dearest people. now it's back to another semester of hardwork.

and most likely applying for Sungkyunkwan University @ Seoul for summer studies! :D 

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@ 6:03 PM
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