A week till recess
Monday, February 24, 2014

gathering at buff's place on sat night. feast&gamble till 5am in the morning. thanks for the treat! :D
luck was ridiculously good that night i've no idea why. so good that it's kinda scary.

slept for 5hours or so before having to get up and prepare for our annual 8floor gathering.
though the younger generation like us don't seem to bond that well but i guess the adults do so they happy jiu hao bah. we youngsters just set up tables&stuff to eat free food.

met up with the boy for dinner at Arnold's @ Yishun. outside gv. the queue was insane. we waited pretty much an hour for table and food. Arnold is pretty much like KFC, selling fried chicken. but it really taste quite different.
it's like the spicy version of KFC's original pieces. means no thick batter and oily skin. the meat isn't dry either. that's the best part imo.

caught The Monuments Men afterwards, half an hour late into the show thanks to the chickens.
pretty interesting movie. a rather slow-pace historical one.

waiting for Non-Stop to be out this weekend. the trailer looks kinda cool~ action-packed thrillers are still my favourite.

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@ 7:56 PM
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