Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy CNY from the chubby face family!!! 
maybe i should call my family 'The Chubbies'. LOOK AT ALL THE FAT CHEEKS.

finally the hectic part of cny is over. our annual routine always end on cnyday2 afternoon. 

#ootd for day1.

love the top but sadly it's too short to pass off as a dress.

Day 1
father's side: ah ma house > father's brother house > ah ma's sisters house.
mother's side: ah gong house.
father's 结拜兄弟's house.

busy visiting, gambling, eating, drinking all the way from 8am till 1am. that's my yearly day 1 routine.

Day 2
another 8am outing. visited temples after temples to 拜拜.
visited ah ma's sister's children house. wah my father's side family tree is damn extended. in short, my father's cousin house? i'm amazed everyone's still in contact after so long.

that pretty much sums up my day 1 and 2 of our annual cny routine.

day 3 shall be more visiting. thank you NTU for being so kind as to give us off on monday.
and i get to pon tuesday too! weeeee. long cny break for me. ^^

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@ 4:16 PM
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