CNY'2014 Day 3
Monday, February 3, 2014

am so glad there isn't school on monday. let me rest first before reality smacks me right in the face.
a bunch of online lectures and tutorials yet to be completed for the upcoming week. sian. ><

Day 3
visited our primary school teacher for the 9th year since graduation. we visited nearly every year during cny, how often do you hear that nowadays? i highly doubt most ppl even know their primary school mates. amazingly the previous and later batch came back too. so there was practically 3 generation of students there, the 24, 21 and 17. lol. the difference was obvious. the 24 batch are a bunch of jokers, we the 21 are slightly quieter but talks among ourselves more, and lastly the 17, although only three came, but they are soooooooo obedient. but with so many people around, we thought we would leave at 2pm but ended up leaving at 4pm instead. too entertaining catching up with everyone once a year.

our friend kindly drove us over to mojo's place afterwards. short gambling session with everyone. lol. the adults are too nice~ lou hei for the...i-lost-count. maybe 5th time?

met up with the boy to go over mbs afterwards. original plan was to stroll to the floating platform to see the decorations for RiverAngBao. end up joining his family&relatives for dinner at Gardens By The Bay. i guess there's always such phase?

wanted to visit the dome but were a little too late. so we just caught the short light&sound performance before heading over to riverangbao.

thought there will be less of a crowd since it was already nearly 10 then. but noooo. it's totally people mountain people sea. and the caishengye supposed to shoot out some stuff from his hand at 10pm so there were loads of people gathering underneath it. some even more kiasu, open umbrella and hold it inverted to catch the stuff. originally thought maybe it will throw some sweets out, end up it shot out only pieces of papers. serioussslyyyyyy. though idk what's on it since we didn't bother.

short chatting and drinking session afterwards before cabbing home.
so i ended up having a free meal and ride home. thankyou~

anyway here's the horoscope for Rooster taken at the riverangbao. since most of my friends are Rooster too shall share it, while the rest...too bad.

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@ 1:32 AM
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