School life
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

this must be one of the most...unappealing semester ever.

nothing interest me. everything seems to suck. tutors are obviously biased.
explains why i don't like subjective modules.

but i guess it's a well known fact that nothing is fair in the world. you'll see that alot in uni. what's new.

still contemplating between IO or IA. the short attachment during summer or the long one during semester.
choosing IA is not for what resume shit, it's just that i can avoid studying for a semester and earn some puny income.

even though i know the working society is gonna be far worse with all the politics and stuff but still, i would rather you throw me into the society now than to be learning all this useless stuff for the sake of a piece of paper.

...sadly, i need that fucking paper. and i want those holidays.

guess i'll just have to keep those two things in mind and carry on...

i need a getaway.


@ 11:13 PM
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