First week
Saturday, August 16, 2014

life is so busy that i totally forgot that my phone has a camera. so no photos for the week. :(

shall skip the boring school part. went for my job interview ytd but i supposed i failed since they didn't contact me today. does that mean i am meant to find tuition jobs? oh no. i seriously doubt i've much patience and leftover knowledge to teach a pri/sec kid. let alone jc. 

maybe i should join WSC's Friends of Children to see if i'm suited for teaching tuition in the first place. lol.

went over to zhao's hall to clean up afterwards. scrubbed the toilet until i believe it's sparkling clean. even my house toilet isn't that clean sia. i guess i don't really have much of a 洁癖. scrubbing the toilet bowl and cleaning the whole toilet doesn't seem that filthy to me. not that i would wanna do it again though. :P
probably crashing her hall someday in the sem if there's a need to. and it's only a 2min walk away from zz's. yay. 

finally got to try sushi express, everything @ $1.50 is a lie when there's 10% service charge and 7% gst. but still, cheap and relatively decent food compared to the 50cent take out you'll get.
and the salmon sashimi likeafree at the westgate branch. so was pretty worth it.

i'm like eating sushi for the past three days including takeaways and i seriously don't get sick of it.
it's so good~

NTU Fest coming up tomorrow. hopefully the organising committee is prepared for the ridiculous crowd tmr. i'm totally preparing to be squash like a sardine. should i wear my covered shoe just in case? hahaha.

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@ 12:43 AM
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