A week till recess
Monday, February 24, 2014

gathering at buff's place on sat night. feast&gamble till 5am in the morning. thanks for the treat! :D
luck was ridiculously good that night i've no idea why. so good that it's kinda scary.

slept for 5hours or so before having to get up and prepare for our annual 8floor gathering.
though the younger generation like us don't seem to bond that well but i guess the adults do so they happy jiu hao bah. we youngsters just set up tables&stuff to eat free food.

met up with the boy for dinner at Arnold's @ Yishun. outside gv. the queue was insane. we waited pretty much an hour for table and food. Arnold is pretty much like KFC, selling fried chicken. but it really taste quite different.
it's like the spicy version of KFC's original pieces. means no thick batter and oily skin. the meat isn't dry either. that's the best part imo.

caught The Monuments Men afterwards, half an hour late into the show thanks to the chickens.
pretty interesting movie. a rather slow-pace historical one.

waiting for Non-Stop to be out this weekend. the trailer looks kinda cool~ action-packed thrillers are still my favourite.

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@ 7:56 PM

School life
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

this must be one of the most...unappealing semester ever.

nothing interest me. everything seems to suck. tutors are obviously biased.
explains why i don't like subjective modules.

but i guess it's a well known fact that nothing is fair in the world. you'll see that alot in uni. what's new.

still contemplating between IO or IA. the short attachment during summer or the long one during semester.
choosing IA is not for what resume shit, it's just that i can avoid studying for a semester and earn some puny income.

even though i know the working society is gonna be far worse with all the politics and stuff but still, i would rather you throw me into the society now than to be learning all this useless stuff for the sake of a piece of paper.

...sadly, i need that fucking paper. and i want those holidays.

guess i'll just have to keep those two things in mind and carry on...

i need a getaway.


@ 11:13 PM

Happy Valentine's Day! ❤
Saturday, February 15, 2014

i didn't know there are so many japanese restaurant at Cuppage Plaza. 
actually, i didn't even know such a mall exist. okay, now i do. and the food's really pretty good too. 

wondering if i should call this the third or fourth time we're celebrating valentine's together. 
maybe fourth, if it includes the one in j2. hahaha. 想当年。。。

either way, thanks for everything till date! :)
nah, i'm not gonna be mushy mushy here. 


and no, we're not getting married.
that's a photo for a balloon. though the top 3 highest number of likes do win something.

seriously, i feel like drawing some brows for myself. o.o

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@ 5:13 PM

Sunday, February 9, 2014

im sure cafe-hoppers would have heard of this place located at Arab Street.

initially we didn't notice the place since the sign above wrote 'chemistry' so we practically walked passed it.
turns out artistry is right below the sign. google map is probably one of the best app ever or whatever gps app there is.

tried out their waffles, latte and cappuccino.
their waffle doesn't taste like the normal waffle you'll find out there. the batter tasted more like bread instead. though crispy on the outside, i feel like i'm eating a crispy bread rather than a piece of waffle. the vanilla ice-cream was milkier than usual. overall, unique creation but i still prefer the 'usual' waffle out there.

went semb 财神庙 to 拜太岁beforehand since Rooster clashes this year. the whole routine took so much longer than expected. ended up late for our meetup. lol.

shopped around town after artistry. there's really too little shop catered to guys sadly. no loots for the day, only a bloated tummy.

dinner back home. love love love soup. ^^

and tmr's the start of another week again. gaaah.

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@ 10:55 PM

Happy 21st, 老牛!
Saturday, February 8, 2014

end up there's no hzgg theme party. lol.

seems like i'll be going school more often on fridays for meetings soon. nooo, my only free day is on the verge of disappearing.

successful attempt in ditching buff to meet the rest and buy her present.

caught an impromptu movie since we were too early. 
From Vegas to Macau.  thought there will be lots of gambling scenes but nooo, it's mostly fighting scenes. so sad. the whole show was more like a plain predictable comedy. at least we had a good laugh. lol. it will definitely sound so much funnier in canto than chinese dub.

bought the watch from Solvil et Titus for buff's 21st. contemplating between this pink&silver or the white&gold one. ended up picking this instead since there were two out of three who have a soft side for pink stuff. lol.

steamboat session afterwards at yoshi's place. bought toooo much food, what's new. we left early so i've no idea what happened to the leftovers. had to come home 拜拜.

shall quickly finish my online lecture + tutorial and slack my weekends away. ^^

Happy belated 21st birthday Buffy!

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@ 1:55 PM

Reality strikes again
Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 4
i guess this is unofficially the end of cny. school's starting so so soon. shall skip tomorrow's lesson and self declare another off day. but tmr's gonna be a day of catching up with schoolwork instead. 

caught The Lion Men with the boy in the afternoon.
jack neo's films are the only singapore films i will ever watch but this was kinda disappointing.
the show just feels a little too retarded. especially with all the redundant cg effects. i would rather they focus more on the fighting or lion dance scenes than adding in the cg parts.

ah boys to men had definitely set the bar too high.



I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE LOBANG SANG THIS SONG. in the midst of the movie when this song was
played, i was still thinking to myself, "wow what a nice voice and melody, which artist did they managed to get this time." omg. so it was HIM. love the chorus.

i rmb there was another insert rap song that was damn nice. couldn't seem to find it online. not sure if it's the official theme song but it doesn't sound right.

came over afterwards and my house became a gambling den with two mj tables since my mom got her friends over as well. lost $12 haha what's new. didn't expect to play from 4 till 9. original plan was to come home and slack. probably do some work? so fail. lol

just counted my angbaomoney so this pretty much marks the end of cny.
what an eventful cny.

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@ 11:52 PM

CNY'2014 Day 3

am so glad there isn't school on monday. let me rest first before reality smacks me right in the face.
a bunch of online lectures and tutorials yet to be completed for the upcoming week. sian. ><

Day 3
visited our primary school teacher for the 9th year since graduation. we visited nearly every year during cny, how often do you hear that nowadays? i highly doubt most ppl even know their primary school mates. amazingly the previous and later batch came back too. so there was practically 3 generation of students there, the 24, 21 and 17. lol. the difference was obvious. the 24 batch are a bunch of jokers, we the 21 are slightly quieter but talks among ourselves more, and lastly the 17, although only three came, but they are soooooooo obedient. but with so many people around, we thought we would leave at 2pm but ended up leaving at 4pm instead. too entertaining catching up with everyone once a year.

our friend kindly drove us over to mojo's place afterwards. short gambling session with everyone. lol. the adults are too nice~ lou hei for the...i-lost-count. maybe 5th time?

met up with the boy to go over mbs afterwards. original plan was to stroll to the floating platform to see the decorations for RiverAngBao. end up joining his family&relatives for dinner at Gardens By The Bay. i guess there's always such phase?

wanted to visit the dome but were a little too late. so we just caught the short light&sound performance before heading over to riverangbao.

thought there will be less of a crowd since it was already nearly 10 then. but noooo. it's totally people mountain people sea. and the caishengye supposed to shoot out some stuff from his hand at 10pm so there were loads of people gathering underneath it. some even more kiasu, open umbrella and hold it inverted to catch the stuff. originally thought maybe it will throw some sweets out, end up it shot out only pieces of papers. serioussslyyyyyy. though idk what's on it since we didn't bother.

short chatting and drinking session afterwards before cabbing home.
so i ended up having a free meal and ride home. thankyou~

anyway here's the horoscope for Rooster taken at the riverangbao. since most of my friends are Rooster too shall share it, while the rest...too bad.

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@ 1:32 AM

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy CNY from the chubby face family!!! 
maybe i should call my family 'The Chubbies'. LOOK AT ALL THE FAT CHEEKS.

finally the hectic part of cny is over. our annual routine always end on cnyday2 afternoon. 

#ootd for day1.

love the top but sadly it's too short to pass off as a dress.

Day 1
father's side: ah ma house > father's brother house > ah ma's sisters house.
mother's side: ah gong house.
father's 结拜兄弟's house.

busy visiting, gambling, eating, drinking all the way from 8am till 1am. that's my yearly day 1 routine.

Day 2
another 8am outing. visited temples after temples to 拜拜.
visited ah ma's sister's children house. wah my father's side family tree is damn extended. in short, my father's cousin house? i'm amazed everyone's still in contact after so long.

that pretty much sums up my day 1 and 2 of our annual cny routine.

day 3 shall be more visiting. thank you NTU for being so kind as to give us off on monday.
and i get to pon tuesday too! weeeee. long cny break for me. ^^

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@ 4:16 PM
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